CORATH stands for Creating Opportunities and Resources Against the Trafficking of Humans.
We serve youth aged 12 to 18 years, across Eastern Ontario, who have been exploited or are at risk of being exploited. We offer shelter, safety, and assistance. Our aim is to empower survivors.
Our team is multi-disciplinary and includes professional from diverse backgrounds specializing in helping survivors of human trafficking.
A survivor-led initiative, CORATH it is a collaborative between the Roberts/Smart Centre, the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa, the Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa, Voice Found, and YouTurn.
We are here for you
Text/SMS: 613-576-4006
Phone: 1-888-918-0186
Email: CORATH@rsc-crs.com
For more information
Terri Soukup
Manager of CORATH
Email: tsoukup@rsc-crs.com
Phone: (613)728-1946 ext. 626